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Antonio Pasqualino International Puppet Museum - Piazzetta Antonio Pasqualino 5 (side street of Via Butera) - 90133 Palermo


OPENING HOURS: The Antonio Pasqualino International Puppet Museum is open on Sunday and Monday from 10.00 am to 2.00 pm and from Tuesday to Saturday from 10.00 am to 6.00 pm.
You can come and visit it anytime during the opening hours with no reservation. The Museum admission is  € 5.00 for adults and € 3.00 for children and students.

Puppet shows  are on Mondays at 11 am and from Tuesday to Saturday at 5 pm.
The cost of the full ticket for the show is € 10, the reduced (children and students) € 8. The ticket for the show includes admission to the museum.
The show lasts 45 minutes.

TICKET OFFICE: it closes one hour before the museum.

INFOS AND GUIDED TOURS: +39 (0)91.328060 - mimap@museomarionettepalermo.it

Miscellaneous Information:



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  Museo internazionale delle marionette Antonio Pasqualino
Piazzetta Antonio Pasqualino 5 (trav di Via Butera)
Palermo 90133

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